National Parliament Composition
National Poll Average
Coming soonGovernment
Head of State (President) | Isaac Herzog (Labor, Centre-left) |
Head of Government (PM) | Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud, Conservative) |
Parties in Government | Likud (Conservative) Shas (Haredi) UTJ (Haredi) Mafdal-RZ (Right) OY (Right) Noam (Right) New Hope (Conservative) |

הליכוד (Likud)
The Consolidation
Party Leader: Benjamin Netanyahu
Orientation: Conservative
International Affiliation: International Democrat Union, ECR Party

יש עתיד (YA)
Yesh Atid
There Is a Future
Party Leader: Yair Lapid
Orientation: Centre
International Affiliation: Liberal International

שס (Shas)
Sephardi Guards
Orientation: Self-declared Sephardi Haredi interests
International Affiliation: World Zionist Organisation

כחול לבן חוסן לישראל (B&W)
Kahol Lavan Hosen LeYisrael
Blue & White Resilience for Israel
Party Leader: Benny Gantz
Orientation: Centre
International Affiliation: N/A
Note: the party is a member of the המחנה הממלכתי (NU) electoral alliance.

מפלגה דתית לאומית–הציונות הדתית (Mafdal-RZ)
Miflaga Datit Leumit – HaTzionut HaDatit
National Religious Party-Religious Zionism
Party Leader: Bezalel Smotrich
Orientation: Right-wing
International Affiliation: N/A

הדמוקרטים (Dems)
The Democrats
Party Leader: Yair Golan
Orientation: Centre-left
International Affiliation: N/A
Note: The Democrats were formed as the result of a merger between the הָעֲבוֹדָה,(Labor) and מֶרֶצ(Meretz) parties on 12 July 2024

ישראל ביתנו (YB)
Yisrael Beiteinu
Israel Our Home
Party Leader: Avigdor Lieberman
Orientation: Centre-right
International Affiliation: N/A

תקווה חדשה (NH)
Tikva Hadasha
New Hope
Party Leader: Gideon Sa’ar
Orientation: Conservative
International Affiliation: N/A

דגל התורה (DT)
Degel HaTorah
Banner of the Torah
Party Leader: Moshe Gafni
Orientation: self-declared Ashkenazi Haredi interests
International Affiliation: World Agudath Israel
Note: the party is a member of the יהדות התורה (UTJ) electoral alliance.

הרשימה הערבית המאוחדת (Ra’am)
HaReshima HaAravit HaMe’uhedet
United Arab List
Party Leader: Mansour Abbas
Orientation: Islamist
International Affiliation: N/A

אגודת ישראל (AY)
Agudath Israel
Union of Israel
Party Leader: Yitzchak Goldknopf
Orientation: Self-declared Ashkenazi Haredi interests
International Affiliation: World Agudath Israel
Note: the party is a member of the יהדות התורה (UTJ) electoral alliance.

תנועה ערבית להתחדשות (Ta’al)
Tnu’a Aravit LeHithadshut
Arab Movement for Renewal
Party Leader: Ahmad Tibi
Orientation: Self-declared Arab interests
International Affiliation: N/A
Note: the party is a member of the Hadash/Ta’al electoral alliance.

אגודת ישראל (DK)
Derekh Eretz
The Way of the Land
Party Leader: Yoaz Hendel
Orientation: Centre-right
International Affiliation: N/A

עוצמה יהודית (OY)
Otzma Yehudit
Jewish Strength
Party Leader: Itamar Ben-Gvir
Orientation: Right-wing
International Affiliation: N/A

ברית לאומית דמוקרטית (Balad)
Brit Leumit Demokratit
Democratic National Alliance
Party Leader: Sami Abu Shehadeh
Orientation: Self-declared Arab interests
International Affiliation: N/A

נעם (Noam)
Party Leader: Avi Maoz
Orientation: Right-wing
International Affiliation: N/A